Event Buses


An AndroidEventBus logo on a white background.

A lightweight eventbus library for android, simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.


A gimBUS with a speech bubble.

Event bus for Android with fine-grained delivery thread control.


A fast screenshot of a list of different types of software.

Simple event creation.


A list of different types of files in a folder, optimized with SEO keywords for better visibility.

Simpler to use and faster alternative to LocalBroadcastManager.


A diagram illustrating the structure of an object using a UniversalEventBus.

An android Event Bus Architecture.


RxBus2 is a reactive event bus.

RxJava2 based bus with queuing (e.g. lifecycle based) support.


A screenshot of a list of events in a google calendar for testing purposes.

Demo for the EventBus library of GreenRobot.


A list of different types of licenses for Adobe Android.

This library is for helping android developer to implement something like iOS key value observer pattern (KVO).


A diagram of an app utilizing the IpcEventBus for events.

Faster than Intents and easier than AIDLs. IPC EventBus is an Android library for sending events between processes or different apps.


A list of files that have been uploaded to a server using RxBus.

Android reactive event bus that simplifies communication between Presenters, Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc.