Gradle Plugins


A screenshot of the symfony.

This is a simple executor, sometimes the default `exec` task does not work as expected.


A SlackUpload of a screen shot featuring a java program.

A plugin to send files to slack.


An OpenSSL error message is shown on the screen.

A Gradle plugin for checking whether an .apk or an .aar contains OpenSSL versions with known vulnerabilities.


A list of different types of GradleAspectJ-Android products.

gradle plug-in adding supports of AspectJ into Android project.


Description: A list of different types of ThinRPlugin apps that can be installed on an android device.

The plugin has been used on the mogujie app, the apk size is reduced by 1MB (the original apk size of 40MB), the number of DEX reduced by 3.


A screenshot of the settings for a website created using the ament_gradle_plugin.

A Gradle plugin for building Java and Android-based ROS2 projects.


A yellow crate with a wooden sign on it.

Compile time safety for Android assets.


A screen shot of a list of different types of files, including files related to gitdroid and gradle.

A gradle plugin for Android projects that allows for dependencies from git repositories.


An android screenshot of the settings for a website.

screenshot-test-for-android is a library that can generate fast deterministic screenshots while running instrumentation tests in android.


A blue and white logo with the letter s, representing Android.

Static code analysis plugin for Android projects.


A screenshot of the settings for google chrome, with a gradle-profiler option available.

A tool for gathering profiling and benchmarking information for Gradle builds.


A list of different types of files in a folder, including kotlin scripts and gradle files.

Kotlin language support for Gradle build scripts.


A screenshot of the settings for a website focusing on keywords and SEO.

Gradle script for downsizing Android resources in debug builds.


An example of a code using the axion-release-plugin for a project.

Gradle release & version management plugin.


A screen shot of an Android version java program.

Android Version plugin is a gradle plugin that helps managing version for Android projects.


UploadToJitpack - easy to use package repository for gi and android libraries.

Base repository to demonstrate the process of uploading an aar/jar to JitPack.


debug-badge badge badge badge badge badge.
Keywords: debug-badge

Add badge(version code, version name, etc) for your DEBUG APK.


An example of a Java program that utilizes the Gradle plugin for managing dependencies and building.

This plugin provides a task to generate a HTML license report of your project.


A screen shot of a css file for an android application that includes fonts.

Define the fonts of your Android project directly from the build.gradle.


A list of different types of plugins for DataBindingCompat that can be used.

A Gradle plugin that makes databinding work well with appcompat.