Rooting your Android with AllDroid Community Rom (video)
This AllDroid Dark Beta 0.3 release is based on Android 2.1 one with Launcher2
This is a community custom ROM from the Alldroid community they are trying to keep this ROM as “functional”, which updates based upon Android 2.1. I would recommend that you are a developer or that you are very experienced with rooting your Droid phone. (A video guide to rooting your DROID! EASY PEASY!)
Let’s do it!
[Rom Review] AllDroid Dark Beta 0.3 by ReverendYo w/ Video
ROM Beta includes:
- Youtube HQ patch – xeudoxus
- Replace NexusOne livewallpaper with Droid livewallpaper — Sniffle
- Launcher2 with Functional Buttons — xeudoxus + KrazyKrivda + dev team
- SU binary and Super User.apk for 2.1 — Zinx/cyanogen
- Symbolic links for busybox
- (mostly)Deodex, Optipng & ZipAlign /system apk’s (beta 0.2 needs more optimization, but it is fast and stable so we want it in your hands)
- Engineering bits from Cyanogen and our dev team
- Cyanogen multitouch browser for 2.1 (will update to ere27 soon)
- Multitouch 3D Gallery
- Multitouch Maps/navigation with Night mode
- AllDroid Boot Animation — MrLane
- Add “reboot” option to power button
- Kernel — Tazmanian_Droid
- Overclock to 950
- Wi-fi Tether support
- Auto/Manual Brightness
- IM app
- Working Camera
- Several aspects of ERE27
More information, bug reports, user feedback and the ROM dowlnoad link.
quick 2.1 Rom; Launcher2; out over boxed OC to 1.2ghz; nicely put together with looks and function
2.1 wallpaper lag/restarts when going from home screen to app tray, Some issues getting things to work with Super User, Custom Boot image should be changed IMO, LED’s don’t work 100%, When in dock mode and press menu>settings you get FC
A full review about this ROM you can find at [Rom Review” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen> AllDroid Dark Beta 0.3 by ReverendYo w/ Video
Link to Rom thread (“[Rom” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen> AllDroid Community Beta 0.3 release”) starting Alldroid forum comments or via all ROM releases (@Mediafire reverendyo)
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