Adobe AIR and Flash Player 10.1 on Smartphones

The platform will be generally available in mid-2010 when Flash 10 is out and will be free of charge to existing Brightcove customers.

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Barcelona — Adobe Systems Inc., which widely distributed the use of video and animation on the Web, clutched the opportunity at the Mobile World Congress today, Brightcove, the major online video platform, said it will be supporting Flash player 10.1, so that online video can more easily be tweaked for mobile phones.

Adobe AIR, the cross-platform app engine that powers apps like TweetDeck, will also see improvements with the release of Flash 10.1. More notable than even the ability to watch YouTube and Hulu clips on your phone, though, is that Flash 10.1 will support graphic chip acceleration on systems with NVIDIA graphics cards, allowing full-screen viewing on netbooks whose processors might otherwise choke, and giving laptop and desktop users perhaps a bit more performance from low-quality clips.

Adobe AIR enables developers to deliver Web applications outside the constraints of a browser. With support for mobile devices Adobe AIR includes specific functionality offered by mobile operating systems and devices such as multi-touch, gesture inputs, accelerometer, geolocation and screen orientation.

via “Adobe Unveils AIR on Mobile Devices; Readies Flash Player 10.1 for Launch

Because Brightcove is using Flash, it says that it can offer a ton of new features to mobile video, including analytics, advertising, social sharing, and transcoding. The availability of Flash on smartphones is a big sea change, said Jeff Whatcott, SVP of marketing at Brightcove. The platform, which has been in beta, is already being used by major content companies, like AOL , Atlantic Records, National Geographic and The New York Times.

Adobe describes Apple as “closed device” and continues to offer a fig leaf, but given Apple’s general stance on opening up new development platforms on their device, it seems a tad unlikely. Adobe has promised betas of a mobile-ready Flash 10.1 for Windows Mobile and Palm Pre late this year, and early next year for Android, Symbian, and BlackBerry phones, as well as NVIDIA-powered netbooks.

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