

A phone screen showcasing three perfectly synchronized circles thanks to the ArcAnimator.

ArcAnimator helps to create arc transition animation.


Io cloud - pathview.

Android view with both path from constructed path or from svg.


A screenshot of the android easing functions screen for animation.

Android Animation Easing Functions. Let’s make animation more real!


FragmentTransactionExtended - screenshot transition.

FragmentTransactionExtended is a library which provide us a set of custom animations between fragments.


Tibetan palace - android screenshot.

A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard Android.


Ripple background example - screenshot.

A beautiful ripple animation for your app. You can easily change its color, speed of wave, one ripple or multiple ripples.


HeartBeatView - screenshot.

Simple custom view of a beating heart using scaling animation.


A screen shot of a web page displaying multiple buttons, including the SmallBang button.

Twitter like animation for any view.


A screen shot of a mobile app displaying a person's profile.

Describe your animation and run.

Shape Flyer

A black background app screenshot featuring a white screen.

Create a FlyBluePrint which will be used to define the path along which the animation should occur: e.g. For creating a linear animation starting from point (0, 0), top-left corner of the ShapeFlyer, to the (1,1), the bottom-right corner of the ShapeFlyer


A screenshot of an Android app with a beautiful image of a bird flying in the sky, showcasing stunning animations.

The main goal of this project is making creating of complex animations easier. You may create animations like in demo with just a couple lines of code.


Rebound, a curated list of items in the github repo.

Rebound spring models can be used to create animations that feel natural by introducing real world physics to your application.


A screenshot of a mobile app showcasing the MaterialTabs feature with a green screen.

Custom Tabs with Material Design animations for pre-Lollipop devices


A screen shot of a sample LDrawer app for android.

Android drawer icon with material design animation.


A screen shot of a DotLoader loading screen.

A cool customizable loading animation with Dots


A sample of an expanding business plan template in Spanish.

Animated Expanding ListView provides a fancy animation on expanding or collapsing the content of a listview item. It works in all version of Android and it’s very easy to adapt to your project.


Android animations

Cute view animation collection.


An Android application featuring a transition effect.

Android-Transition allows the easy creation of view transitions that reacts to user inputs. The library is designed to be general enough such that the same transition can be applied to different UI components.


A screenshot of a mobile app displaying the percentage of a building with a swipper feature.

Android Library for custom views to control brightness, volume and seek through swipable gestures. These views could easily replace the conventional volume / brightness / seek controls that we have in music player, video player or gallery apps.


A screen shot of a web page showcasing a variety of videos optimized for SEO with strategically placed keywords.

Library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0.