How To Remote Control the Dreambox with Windows Mobile

Control the linux-based Dreambox, produced by the German multimedia vendor Dream Multimedia, remotely with your Windows Mobile smart phone and WMDreamRemote

If you’re reading this, you probably already know all about the Dreambox, one of the most popular lines of digital television series ever to be produced.

Dreambox 7000-S via Wikimedia

Given all the fuss over these digital receivers being remotely controlled by an iPhone, owners of smartphones powered by Windows Mobile are probably feeling left out in the cold right about now. Is there any way to make Windows Mobile-based mobile phones remotely control a Dreambox as well?

“What in the world is a Dreambox?” you still may ask.

Okay, a quick review of the Dreambox reveals it to be a highly-popular series of Linux-based set-top box receivers for DVB satellite and cable digital television channels. These Linux tuners even support terrestrial television (that means your standard plain-jane TV channels, for you non-technical folks out there). It was originally produced by Dream Multimedia, a German multimedia company. The Dreambox series used Linux-based software originally developed for DBox2, another Linux tuner. The DBox2 was originally distributed by KirchMedia, another German company that has since gone “kaputt” due to a bankruptcy. The bankruptcy was a boon to Linux geeks worldwide, as it flooded the market with unsold Dreamboxes available for hobbyist tinkering. The low-cost Dreambox hardware makes Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) available on a shoestring budget.

Table of Dreambox models

**HDMI via DVI to HDMI adapter (Screenshot via Wikipedia ‘Dreambox’)

The Dreambox hardware supports remote LAN and WAN access through its built-in Ethernet port, making it available for a multitude of tasks wherever you may be (work, home, on the road, etc.). Examples of activities you can perform remotely include:

  • handling timer-events (i.e., recording a TV show)
  • EPG viewing
  • remote unit wake up
  • channel changing
  • other remote control features

Okay, so the Dreambox hardware itself supports remote control features, but how do you make your Windows Mobile smartphone actually perform the duties of the remote control itself? Have no fear, WMDreamRemote is the answer to all your remote DVB Linux woes. Available on the XDA Developer’s website, WMDreamRemote

via Dreamboxth

Although it’s currently in beta testing (version 0.6 being the latest release), there are no known bugs so far. It has so far been tested on the HTC HD2 with IPBox350, DM7000 and DM800. A separate version of WMDreamRemote for devices with a 320 x 240 screen resolution has also been released. Future releases plain to integrate
detailed EPG information, better timer management, remote reboot/standby/power-off capabilities, sending SMS messages to the TV screen, and improved error-handling.

Out of all the Dreambox tools out there, for Windows Mobile fans this is the one to have, it makes DVB Linux via remote control easier than waking up for work or school in the morning. WMDreamRemote actually runs on any Enigma-based Linux tuner, so even if you decide to trash your Dreambox you’re not stuck with a smart-phone-app you can’t use.

Just download the app from the xda website and get started turning your smartphone into a full-fledged Dreambox remote control. (need to register to get to these links but it is free)

You’re “good to go” as long as your Windows Mobile-based smartphone has the Compact .NET 2.0 Framework installed. Gone are the days of missing out on your favorite TV program just because you forgot to set your Dreambox timer before leaving the house. When it comes to remote controlling your Dreambox or other Enigma-based Linux tuner, Windows Mobile addicts are no longer left out in the cold.

WMDreamRemote is bound to make other smartphone owners jealous. What’s next, a Dreambox remote control Android app? Maybe one for the Blackberry or Palm Pre? We’ll just have to wait and see…


massive Dreambox How-To page

another informative site

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